Author: bsnyder

We all have managed or worked with them. That certain type of team member who says they finished a task when the reality is they didn’t. The “i”s weren’t dotted and the “t”s weren’t crossed. They finished 80%, 90%, 99% of the work, but not 100% of it. These team members end up slowing progress...
How do you achieve your organizational goals? Lots of leaders get stuck here. They communicate their goals to their organization at a meeting and think everyone will grab hold of the goals and take it from there. But, this rarely happens. It’s not that the goals are unreasonable or that there aren’t qualified people in...
Employee engagement is on everyone’s mind these days. Not only do we continue to see the dismal numbers reported again and again, but more studies are also revealing why it’s a serious business problem. Higher employee engagement correlates with greater productivity and profits. Low engagement, on the other hand, can cost companies billions in turnover,...
Annual revenue forecasting is a part of every business’s process. Company leaders perform the exercise as a way of predicting next year’s revenue, but most of the time, it’s just straight out guessing and hoping. Here’s how it typically goes. When presidents or CEOs think about forecasting, they tend to start with what the company...
by , in Culture
With the pace and complexity of business, accountability is getting a lot of attention in organizations today. Put simply, accountability is being responsible for doing what you say you will do. It’s keeping your promises. As leaders, we like to say we hold others accountable, or we have people holding us accountable. But this is...
Have you ever thought about how different you are now than you were five years ago? How about ten years ago? You know in your head you have changed but identifying to what degree is difficult. That’s because you’ve changed slowly over time. Rarely in life do we encounter a significant event that drastically changes...
In the corporate world, efficiency is a hot topic. Organizations are always striving to produce the most value for the least amount of effort. They attempt to embed it in their business models, strategy, and day-to-day operations. Unfortunately, they do not always succeed. The major reason for this is that organizations don’t instill routine in...
by , in Culture
Most people in management are handed their team when they are promoted or assigned a new organization. They get what they get but have the freedom to make the team their own. While this may seem like a finite process the reality is it is a never-ending one. Statistics will tell you that some of...
We’ve all experienced this: You address a personal issue with a colleague or you share some critical information with a project sponsor and it blows up in your face. You had no idea it could have gone that way but it did, and now your relationship with that person is fractured. If you’re like most...
We all have found ourselves in one or more situations where we had to decide whether or not to confront someone. It could have been at the store when someone cut in line ahead of you, on a flight when someone was mistreating the flight attendant, or at the office when an employee’s work was...