Author: bsnyder

All of us have heard some time in our life “if you don’t do _____ (fill in the blank) there will be consequences.” Sometimes we did what we were supposed to do and avoided the consequence. Other times, we didn’t fare so well. Consequences are life’s little learning agents. But did you know there are...
problem solving
Leaders don’t like problems in their organizations, they want them to be pure and defect free. They want them producing at high levels and performing like a well tuned machine. If problems do arise, they expect them to be discovered quickly and fixed right away. If they aren’t, they get frustrated and take it out...
In today’s environment, relevance is a matter of survival. Having a relevant organization means being pertinent, connected, or applicable to your company or industry. It means being current, not out of date when it comes to the latest practices and having a very strong value proposition for your internal or external clients. Organizations that are...
There is this notion that exists out there in companies that everyone should be treated the same. No one should receive preferential treatment or have an advantage. It should be fist come first serve with no short cuts allowed. Processes, rules, and conventions should be followed by everyone at all times. Some people believe this...
managing expectations
It goes without saying that projects involve lots of expectations. Project manager and team members feel the heat from project stakeholders when it comes to task completions, deliverables, adherences to processes, and use of resources, just to name a few. Although it is an essential part of a project manager’s job, knowing how to manage...
reward prevention
by , in Culture
Killing Alligators. Putting out fires. These are common phrases used in business to describe a person’s workday. They sound macho, very accomplishing, and self-important. They denote a day spent fixing problems and resolving issues, but they are also a sure sign of an individual that works in an organization that rewards heroism. In these organizations...
change bubble
The FUD factor: Fear . . . Uncertainty . . . Doubt. It affects everyone in one way or another.  Some get paralyzed by it and others get a rush of excitement. Nowhere is this truer in our lives than how we deal with change, especially when it is forced on us and out of...
We live in a world that favors incremental improvements. We take what is and try to make it better; everything can be fixed or improved by a tweak here or a nudge there. Put a group together on a specific issue and the ideas will be endless. This is not a negative judgment on incremental...
For decades coaches have told their players there is no I in TEAM. The point they’re trying to make is that the interest of the players should be the team first and themselves second. Players that put themselves first ahead of the team are often called prima donna or selfish. It is true that for...
not the norm
It’s fun to encounter different cultures. Whether through travel or reading we marvel at the differences and share them enthusiastically with our friends. When traveling abroad we look forward to experiencing others and come to expect the oddities. It actually makes our travel experience more invigorating and personal. But, when it comes to differences in...